from Dependency to Dignity

Have you ever battled with individuals who….

  • Have tremendous potential, but never reach it
  • Talk about a desire for change, but never getting there… even with maximum help
  • Don’t follow through on recommendations and sound advice
  • Grow beautifully when fully supported, but crumble or fall back into old habits as soon as the support is taken away

Have you wondered why 85% of South Africans are on the dependency end of the A2B dependency scale?

Have you ever battled and burned your fingers trying to help stagnant and disempowered employees, colleagues, clients, communities, loved-ones, and friends, to the point that you have lost the motivation, energy, and power to fight the battle to create change.

Are you passionate about managing change and inspiring motivation in others around you?

This book aims to equip you with an in-depth understanding of the roots of the dependency problem and provide easy-to-use tools needed to move those around you from A-level dependency to B-level independency.

The A2B model is a pragmatic, socio-economic development system that radically combats disempowerment and poverty.  It was developed over a 17 year period by Vivienne Schultz, and having it’s roots in Occupational Science, Neuroscience, Change theory, and business development models. The A2B model addresses the internal and neurological roots of the disempowerment problem. It tackles empowerment and development through competent provocateurs-client relationships, task situational- and people-change, set in a closed ecosystem of change. In the future promotes a special type of win-win partnering and multi-sector integration approach as a solution to the existing Corporate Social investment and AID(charity) fraternity frustrations.

The A2B system guarantees an ignition of volition (will to act), correlated with socio-economic independence, responsibility, and poverty alleviation to develop individuals from dependency to self-reliance, entrepreneurship and/or further to social entrepreneurship.