5. Achieving Optimum Human Brain Development
Similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, A2B has developed the Brain Development Hierarchy (BDH).The OI levels is linked to the Brain Development Hierarchy (BDH).
Maslow’s Hierarchy illustrates the development of human needs from the most basic requirement for food and water, to self-actualisation. The BDH illustrates a hierarchical way of brain development in stages.
Primitive reflex integration is lowest developmental level with the only functions that of automatically keeping the human alive and in a state of comfort over which the human has no control – this is the function of the primitive brain. Any challenge requires a response but it is avoided because it is a threat to comfort and that non-response is, therefore, inappropriate and dysfunctional.
Sensory integration second developmental level and takes place when the human sensory system develops and transports the information of its observation to the brain which represents a challenge to the brain. The brain has to process the information, makes meaning of it and then responds to it voluntary and appropriately for the particular circumstances. This is essentially the development of IQ and it is also closely related to emotional development and EQ where these two (IQ and EQ) becomes emphasised – but responsiveness is dependent on the fickleness of the meaning making of the sensory experience, therefore, often dysfunctional.

Zi and Zo integration represents the third stage of brain development in the zooming-in and zooming-in higher brain functions. The Zi brain focuses on the small picture of details, process and structure. The Zo brain in contrast defies convention and provides a big picture, three dimensional spatial orientation of freedom with a playful language expression. What is of critical importance of the Zi-Zo mind is that each of these two are absolutely essential in our lives in its own right. It is not about the one or the other or even the one and the other - it is all about relationship. At the beginning of this stage the mind is still limited and can only apply emotional intelligence in a cognitive way and having control over the challenge. This is the stage where respondents become response-able, adaptive and independent. However, since the Zi and Zo brain functions are in an important sense opposite’s, integration is not possible.
Spiritual harmony is the fourth and highest level of brain development. Intuitive and emotional intelligence has developed, and the need to be in control of task execution has dissipated. With harmony between IQ and EQ, harmony between Zi- and Zo-brain is being obtained and learning through experience becomes natural. The human’s behaviour shows integrity, and they live a life of truth and rejecting deception. At this stage the person has re-energising volition and nothing can nothing can stop their visionary and drive. The fourth stage demonstrates the highest level of being human: Most responsive, most adaptable and most contributive (RAC) – indeed an Optimum Human (OH) – achievable by any responder.

The challenger has to asses all its own actions continually as to its contribution to continually achieving optimum human brain development and make the nesesarry adjustments immediately when discrepancies are detected.