4. Understanding Occupational Intelligence (OI)
The Occupational Intelligence (OI) 7-Point Development Scale is the measurement scale for response-ability in all human action. It defines the seven (7) response states on a continuum, from the lowest level, A0 to the highest level, B3. Every responsive state has distinctive characteristics. The A- levels are the dependent levels of responsiveness, the primitive brain is more active and keeps many higher brain functions unconscious. B-levels indicate independent levels of responsiveness, as the higher brain is having more power over the negative effects of the impulse- driven primitive brain. The OI scale identifies where a responder’s response-ability level is at, at this point in time, in terms of task consciousness and competency. The higher the OI level, the more consciousness, tenacity, initiative, originality, enabling belief and unconditional love a person is able to express.
The OI scale is a practical guideline with a two-fold function:
- Firstly to assess the volitional strength of the responder’s response in order to see what its strength is. Assessing a responder’s OI response prevents the challenger from “assuming” that the responder should be competent. Furthermore, it is important to realise that this assessment is in no means to psycho- analysis of a person, but merely to the level at which the challenge should be pitched.
- Secondly, to pitch the challenge slightly higher than the OI competency level that the responder is on is called a stretch challenge to “fit the challenge/task to the man”. For every OI level there are very specific brain development stimulants to bring into the intervention. Refer for this to the brain development hierarchy - Fundamental 5.
Every time a responder accomplishes and gets the “I can” moment, the volition grows towards a desire to do more constructive and functional actions and less dysfunctional actions. RESPONSE-ABILITY is the main characteristic of a B -level responder. It is a state of dominium in the form of responsible leadership. The aim of A2B is to facilitate the movement of humans towards the highest possible quality level of being human.
Depending on the OI level that the responder is on at the time of executing the task, the challenger need to have realistic expectations as to the potential OI task responsiveness of the responder. Below is a table showing the potential movement from one level to the next.
Potential movement from one OI level to the next
A0 - A1
From a non-responsive, dependent, deficient mind-set, to a state of awareness of a challenge but avoiding responsibility to engage with it
A1 - A2
From an avoiding of responsibility to engage with a challenge to a worker responding to the challenge with complete imitative dependence
A2 - A3
From a worker that responds to a challenge with complete imitative dependence to a responsive and able manager
A3 - B1
From a responsive and able manager to an independent leader who can create and synthesise
B1 - B2
From a leader to a competitive responder, able to innovate and bring novel entrepreneurial concepts to the world and creating jobs in the process
B2 - B3
From a competitive and driven entrepreneur to a humble, brave, purpose-driven creative compassionate change maker
At this highest stage of OI level achievement, the responder has developed such a re-energising volition that can stop the responder’s visionary drive to manifest it in reality.
This development scale is to guide all responders towards the ideal ER, the highest possible quality level of being human. All responders are designed with the intelligence potential to be response-able and reach a B1 OI level in the tasks that are their respective strengths with the possibility to attain a B3 OI level.
- The challenger’s responsibility as challenger is to have complete clarity of the characteristics of each of the seven OI response levels and exactly how to distinguish between them.
- The challenger need to be able to determine the OI response level of a responder with the best possible accuracy you can muster.
- The challenger need to be able to construct and/or determine the required OI response level of challenges to the best possible accuracy you can muster.
- In the final analysis, the challenger’s primary responsibility is to be able to ensure:
- that the required OI level of a challenge (TASK)
- and the OI level upon which the responder (MAN) is able to operate
- within the relevant context (ENVIRONMENT)
- guarantees the ignition of the level of volition from the responder
- to fully engage with the challenge and to take it successfully through to its full completion
- that represents the requirements of the next OI level
- which is evidence of growth in occupational intelligence from the one to the next level
- and to immediately make the slightest possible facilitating intervention to ensure the intended outcome.