Transformation Leadership Course (TLC)

Module 4

Leading Organisation Change

The Purpose Of This Module

This module represents the tipping point between OI dependence and independence in the form of leadership. The purpose of this module is to have humans experience the catharsis of this tipping point to illuminate the executive leadership functions of the brain. This experience is the litmus test of taking up the risk of the indescribable responsibility of breaking fearless through to the unknown “alone” - but for the sake of the transformation of the community and creating solidarity, commonality and power partnerships for life.

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General Learning Outcomes For This Module

After experiencing this module you will be able to do the following:

  • Through being immersed in the most appropriate demanding real-life challenges, to identify the executive leadership functions of the brain and to what extent each individual needs to extend themselves to the level of independent, self-directed, autonomous, problem-solvers and quality enhancing leaders on a B1 OI level.
  • Demonstrate the way in which you are taking ownership of your highest possible responsibility for, and control over your own, personal transformation of continually improving on your;
    • Integrity – neurological integration of ZI and ZO brain and all relevant intelligences.
    • Emotional Intelligence – through whole brain integration.
    • Courage – in doing “the right thing” and not merely “doing things right”
    • Authentic decisiveness – the ability to practice integrated choice making
    • Creativity – thinking out of the box
    • Harmonize people, profit and planet - Environmental management success

    as leaders on a B1 level in the primary spheres of life, but more particularly in their home, workplace and community spheres.

  • Ensure that an ecosystem of/for change operates as a cohesive community through collective commitment to ensure that each individual and the ecosystem as a whole achieve the highest possible level of individual and communal transformation leaders - leaders who continually transform themselves, but much more importantly, leaders who are responsible for facilitating the transformation of others to become change agents.
  • Conduct a continual self-assessment reflection on your individual and communal leadership progression with a dynamic action plan to ensure a commitment of continuing leadership improvement.
  • Create the vision of your continuing transformation on the consecutive B2 and B3 OI levels as it is described below:

Entrepreneurship (B2 of OI scale)

  • Through Occupational Intelligence development (volition) you would realise that you could learn anything new and drive any business task; the only real way of approaching entrepreneurship.
  • Acquiring Entrepreneurial capacities of becoming go-getters, self-starters, decision-makers, and problem-solvers, building the neurology to ensure that these traits are fixed and sustainable.
  • Become highly competitive in your innovative, novel responders.
  • Replaces the tiresome written business plans with tangible practical entrepreneurial tools that everybody will co-own.

Social entrepreneurship (B3 of OI scale)

  • Develop the ability to simultaneously empower and develop people, whilst generating profit.
  • Become a contributive responder, instead of an egocentric consumer. (Real Ubuntu: “I am because we are!”)
  • Become an Adaptive responder with high emotional regulation and intelligence, transform fear/anxieties in bigger mass hysteria into volition, unconstrained by the social construct.
  • Re-engineer socio-economics, from a 2 d to a 4 dimensional intelligent perspective, and create systemic change.
  • Become an authentic self, walk in truth, restore beliefs, hope, vision, and convictions, generating unstoppable drive.

Take action - book your spot now!

TLC (Mod4) 2-4 May’23

Date: 2 May 2023 to 4 May 2023


TLC (Mod4) 1-3 March’23

Date: 25 May 2023 to 27 May 2023


TLC (Mod4) 4-6 Oct’23

Date: 4 October 2023 to 6 October 2023
